
A Piece of Me

Every week- Three questions about you to tell us!

What is the silliest thing you have heard people say about you? I’m sure there are lots of silly things people have said to me. A time that comes to mind was when some friends and I played a game called “Sad and Solemn Occasion” in high-school. I can’t remember how the whole game went, but, you had to be truthful to your opponent. My opponent told me, she thought, I should be a bushman with my head of hair!


Which of your personality traits have been most useful? I would say my gift of discernment. My boss and I have a decent relationship. She tries not to wear her feelings on her sleeve. I will ask her how her day is, I can tell though, if she’s lying, about feeling fine. I will ask her again, what is really going on. She sometimes gets upset because she doesn’t understand how I can tell something is bothering her.

Another time, I let my son go down the street from where we lived, to play. I told the other child’s family, I would come back in an hour to pick him up. I started doing my dishes and a picture of my boys  face kept going through my mind, I called their number twice and no answer, I hung up the phone and could barely breath. I took off out the door, got in my car, and drove down their house.

Low and behold I was right on the money.


Are you an early bird or a night owl? I have worked the evening shift for years. When I come home at night, I like to watch a movie on Prime or read all your blogs, while the rest of the house is sleeping. I hit the hay around 1:30 or 2am.



Family · Home


My Mom came over to my house last week and I had the Alexa playing music. She was surprised because I would  name a song and Alexa would play the song.

She asked me how Alexa was hooked up, and I told her through our home internet. I told her I paid 4 dollars a month for unlimited music.

This morning she called to tell me a story about my niece.

When she was done with her story, she told me she heard Alexa could record your conversations inside your house, and on your phone. She told me, she had noticed when she was talking to me at times the phone would repeat back to her what we were saying on her end of the line. I said, if the government wanted to spy on me let them! We are over here talking about a cup of coffee splitting in half while I was taking a drink, and coffee splashed all over the place…

She chuckled and said I’m making you aware of what I’ve heard.

We hung up and there was knock at my door. Leery, I opened the blinds and two men in bright yellow vest were standing there. One man introduced himself. I spoke up and told them to hold on, I have to put some clothes on. I stepped outside and asked them where they were from. They said they were tax inspectors from an Assessors office taking pictures of our property for tax files, and there was nothing they needed from me, right now.

I started thinking about an unfamiliar Bill in the mail, and how I needed to call the doctors office and find out what’s going on. I decided to heat up a cup of coffee in the microwave. I had my phone in one hand and put the cup of coffee in the microwave with the other. I dialed the phone number, put the phone up to my ear and heard silence.

I looked up at the microwave and noticed I dialed the number of the doctors office into the microwave keyboard.

My Mom has me giving Alexa the side-eye!


Home · Uncategorized

Garbage Pickup

Dear writer,

We have a pile of garbage out in our front yard because the garbage company has not picked up our garbage in two weeks.

 This morning , I called them to find out what the hell was going on. The woman on the phone told me my services were canceled July 1st because they did not receive a payment. I told her I would call her back after I went through my check ledger, because I remember making a payment.

I went through my ledger and found a payment I made in early September. (my garbage bill is every three months.) I also wrote down a confirmation number. I called them back and let them know I had found this information.

She asked me if I paid the payment over the phone, and I said yes, I have the confirmation number. She told me I should have asked to speak to a representative, because your services were on the breaks, and we have to make sure you had no additional charges with that status. She said she would go ahead and update my account and set me up for pickup next Monday. I said well I have two weeks of trash sitting outside the front of my house. She then told me an additional pickup would be 60 big ones, plus 10 for each additional bag!

I said I will just wait til next Monday.

I feel the story changed from the first phone call, I made. I feel like they received my payment but the ball dropped somewhere and they are covering up their mistake. I do not recall any kind of warning of cancellation. I understand mistakes are made, and that is not what upsets me. I feel like I should not have to pay for an extra pickup.

This pile of trash in my front yard is stressing me out!



Dear Cosmos,

This morning started out rough with Gabe because he was up at about 4:30 this morning and so was I. We were both having a hard time getting our lives together for school.

After he left

I took a deep breath in, and exhaled out, poured me a cup of coffee, and moseyed around the house opening up the curtains.

Then I gathered all our bedding, towels, and socks up by the washer and started on laundry.

I made a phone call to Branson travel group to change our reservation for a vacation. I want to move up the date one day because I can’t take off work on the date I wanted to take off.

I ended up leaving a message because their office wasn’t open yet. A few days ago I had left a message with a woman, and she told me my agent had to move some days around on the schedule and he would call me back after everything was situated, and he never did call!

I caught up with more chores around the house and after a few hours I had to call them back. She new exactly who I was without telling her my name, which raised my brow. Then she repeats back to me why I’m calling, then says hold on I will get Mason. I hold for like five minutes, he answers the phone “Shelley I have you moved up a day so you’re all ready to go!

No, I’m sorry for the wait, no I’m sorry for not getting back to you, and no confirmation number.

I’m getting leery of the situation because of the mishap I explained above. To cut straight to the point I got suckered in to a timeshare meeting, and I’m thinking about cutting my losses and backing out…

What do you think?


I have a question?

I was talking to Linda on the phone today, about how I’ve been writing in my journal rather than on my blog.

She told me “I think that’s great Shelley.” I said yeah, but I’d like to start the habit of writing everyday.

The kicker for me though is I feel like addressing someone when I write.

I told her when I’m at work, I walk the halls contemplating who to address my journal or blog entry to?

When I was younger, I would address them to Linda! Maybe, I will pick up where I left off.

My question for you, do you feel like addressing someone when you write?

Family · Home · love

My Notepad

I miss my Son, my Mom, Dad, and my Husband taking the picture. I miss them without any of us being gone. I miss Izzy too, she’s the clump of fur on my Moms lap. I have a good life.

I’ve been writing in a notepad I carry in my Vera Bradley, bag. I don’t write everyday in my notepad. I don’t write every other day, either. I only write when I’m feeling the vibe.


I can’t believe I carry a notepad, in my bag, with a lot of my feelings openly written inside. I have actually thought about how I would feel if I misplaced or left my bag at someone’s house or my job. I worry about what people might think of me if they read what I wrote. I worry more about the notepad than my money I have in my bag. If I’m being honest it’s because I have a lot more feelings than money.


I’ve thought about leaving the notepad here at home but then I think about how much I love my notepad and how it’s there to catch me if I need to write down what I’m feeling. The fact that there are other feelings of mine written in my notepad, encourages me to keep my notepad with me and write down other feelings, if needed.


The notepad has no cover, because of taking it out and putting it back inside my bag so much. I still carry the cover that belongs to the notepad around in my bag, as well.  The notepad at first was to write information down about a product I wear and share on social media. I still share the love I have for the product but not as often.


The notepad comes in handy for my feelings, and basically, I guess, that is where my heart may be.


I write in my notepad when something or someone makes me angry, and the rest of my writing is about death. I think about death a lot. I think, I think about death more than I should, and no, I don’t know WHY, either. I don’t think about death as in what will happen when I die. I think about all the people I will miss when I do die.


I know this may sound odd because when we die we obviously don’t know we’re dead, and in Heaven we don’t miss people they say. I guess you could say, I miss the thought of missing my family and friends.






Within You Are So Many Answers

I stepped down from my position as the Activity Director on Tuesday. I made this decision like a nurse pulling off a band-aid. I went back  working as a Nursing Assistant in the evenings. I started last Wednesday. I have been off since Wednesday night when I clocked out. I’m glad I made the decision to take a few extra days off.

I wrote a post a few months back telling you I was not sure I could maintain the job. I was scheduling daily activities for the residents: outings, parties, competitions, entertainment, and games. I was getting the job done on one hand, but on the other hand I was having a hard time giving my residents quality time. I also had a hard time focusing  on my family because I kept thinking about all the things I could be doing to be one step ahead of the game. The job was never done when you left.

Wednesday when I worked a staff member made a comment to me about being on vacation for eight months, and I could do the showers from now on. There was another comment made about the  activity job being a “cake walk.”  I know those comments don’t matter but they threw me for a loop, and made me second guess my decision.

I want to encourage you to read a few of blogs of mine, if time allows.. I went back and read them last night. They reminded me of the good times, I have  had as a nursing assistant at the home. I want to come back to this post if need to, and give myself the whole story.


“She Didn’t Leave me Hanging”

I made my  decision fast. I should have kept the job in activities, held out, until I came across something new. I know I can’t should on myself, whats done is done. Yesterday I came across this quote. The quote cured the loneliness I’ve been feeling about making a mistake.

” I never make the same mistake twice. I do it three or four times just to make sure it was a mistake” Andrew’s View Of The Week








The Man In Front Of Me

I took a few of my residents to the ballet last night. I couldn’t  tell you the last time I had been to a ballet. I enjoyed watching them all dance, and the Ballerinas in their  purple, yellow, and pink tutu’s were stunning. I can’t tell you the plot of the show, though. I can tell you about the man in front of me.

He was alone.

He sat slouched a bit, with his legs crossed. His right elbow was placed up on his armrest with his hand up over his mouth. He was wearing a blue stocking hat, a pair of lighter colored jeans, and an oversized gray thermal shirt.

During intermission he was leaned up against the wall with glasses on reading the “Wall Street Journal.” He had a book with him and I’ll be damned if the title was covered up by the program pamphlet!

The program continued and I sat there staring at him for a smile, a tear, a sigh, but nada. He sat the same way the whole time. One thought I had, maybe this was Liam Neeson, he’s been spotted in town alone a few times, but Liam Neeson is tall this guy was average  five-eight or nine, maybe.

I decided he was there reminiscing about the time he danced in the ballet, and he was critiquing all the performers dance moves. He thought the show in this one-horse town was mediocre!