friendship · memories

Day Two, Of Three, Quote Challenge

I have been nominated by Dru, to post three quotes for a three-day challenge. Thank you, Dru, for thinking of my blog. If you haven’t noticed my writing is like the process of sap collection to make maple syrup.

I have a guy friend, he asked me: “Why can’t I find a woman who wants a relationship” this quote came to mind. When I told him he chuckled. I said maybe you should try to give the girl you’re looking for a break. She’s not perfect and neither are you my friend. I was shocked, a few months later. He brought over his better half to meet me. I had to look away, to chuckle. Not because of her. Because, I think, he took Henry’s advice!
If there is one thing I want to do on my blog its to be honest, not with you but with myself. The truth may hurt my readers or you may have honed in on my feelings by now. I can hardly stand to type or write. I find writing time-consuming and a lot of work, especially typing as slow as I do. I will say after a few paragraphs or three, I’m in my element. Writing does not come easy for me. However, I feel I can express my feelings better than I can when talking.
I love, Corrie ten Boom, I love her book The Hiding place. Her faith in Jesus seen her through dark times. When she was in the concentration camp. Jesus flooded her mind with names of people. She prayed for all the people Jesus showed her, in her mind, to pray for. Not only was she saving lives by praying. He saved her life too.  She say’s “There is no hole to deep, where gods love is not deeper.” When I read her words, to Jesus. She puts a new perspective on my past. Thinking about my babies. One that every now and then, will haunt me. “If Only” I would have tried, to hold them inside my womb for another week maybe they would have lived? With August fourth slithering  around the corner. Memories roll down my face, creating a pool, that I could drowned in. I lift my chin out of the water. Enough to reach the heavens and give my “If Only” to Jesus over and over again and he saves me from the Hell created inside my mind.

I challenge any one of my readers who would like to participate, in this challenge!



11 thoughts on “Day Two, Of Three, Quote Challenge

  1. I would suppose that we all have those ‘if only moments’ that we believe would have saved us from so much hurt and I guess a lot of us realize we can’t stay in those moments… but they do lurk inside us every so often. As Christians I think we can give it to God when they do surface! Diane xxx

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Hi, my phone last night would not let me comment. This may act up too. The glitch may be with the platform. I do realize, I cannot drop anchor. I know you have honed in, by now, that I do hold on more than I should. I will tell you, a lot of my dark times have been shown some light. I think because of prayer and also speaking them out. I feel delivered from many situations. However, in some cases I have anger, Diane.

      This month, creeps up on me.I do believe everyone has “if only moments” a lot of those moments create who we are, sometimes for the bad and sometimes for the good. I have used my blog as a journal and the decision was the third best thing I ever did. I feel like it’s one thing I have done for myself. A place where I can dig up the anchor! I appreciate your support and honesty and always look foward to your feedback!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I know. The first one is powerful because the quote is crystal-clear. I know you’re right about practice. Typing has been easier. I can’t type, without looking at the keys. I do know where most of them are, I just need to trust myself and stop looking at my keyboard. I apprecaite your comment of encouragement that was a nice to hear!


  2. Shel, I hope you always know that I will jump into the deep with you and help you hold your head above water like you have done for me time and time again. You have been my life vest. We may feel like drowning, but we can help each other stay afloat. I love you.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’ve probably used it on my blog before, but one of my favorite quotes of all time is from Thomas Mann. He says, “A writer is someone for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people.”

    I know you find writing hard at times, but what you write is so worth it for those of us who read. Thank you for struggling to get your thoughts down. They’ve, at times, inspired me, made me feel I was not alone, and made me want to be a kinder person (like you are, S. Truly.)

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Oh Shelie your writing seems effortless and I love this set of quotes is fabulous. Your quite welcome for the invite, I hope others take your challenge. I’ve been off-line for days because I’m dog sitting 3 dogs and a cat, to dogs weight over 200 lbs in the aggregate. Also back at home I’m trying to hand feed baby kittens, I’m going insane…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I did write you a reply the other day. My phone app has not been kind in letting me comment or send comments. I bet you are going insane. There is never a dull moment when animals are involved!


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