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She Didn’t Leave Me Hanging

Daily Prompt: What a Twist

Tell us a story- Fiction or non-fiction-with a twist coming.

Prompt: I work for a SLF (Supported Living Facility). My residents for the most part take care of themselves. We assist them with help they may need here and they’re. I have worked with the Home for about fifteen years now. They’re more than a few reasons why I just can’t walk away. Someday I will go into details of other great story’s.

My residents age range from thirty to ninety. In the past it has been younger, most of them have Visual impairment and are totally without sight. We do weights on a monthly basis and the nurse manager we were under at this time wanted us to praise and encourage all of the residents who were loosing weight.

When I arrived at work this day and got report, she informed me Emmet Brown (I changed her name for her protection) had lost five pounds. So I headed down to her apartment right away! I knocked on her door and entered when told. I flipped on her light and greeted her with a Hiya! She shot up like a bullet from her easy chair into sitiing up and yelled “HI how ya doing Sheli”?  I said good Thank You for asking. “What do you need”? I wanted to congratulate you on losing five pounds Emmet, give me five! holding my hand up and out as close as I could to her, she quickly shoots up out of  her chair stands at attention like  a solider.

Drops to the floor and gives me five push ups!

Photo credit: quotlr.com


20 thoughts on “She Didn’t Leave Me Hanging
