Daily Post

Daily Post Free writing (Gloomy Murph)

Prompt: Our weekly free-write is back: take ten minutes — no pauses! — to write about anything, unfiltered and unedited. You can then publish the post as-is, or edit a bit first — your call.

My dog is laying on the floor, a thunderstorm is rolling in. I hear what may be a train whistle but it’s so far away I cannot tell if that is what it is or not? The “Tin Can” is getting darker and darkerand I must admit my stomach has butterflies. I want to get off here so I can look at the weather update but I only have ten minutes. The curtain is flying open, people are outside chatting about something.  It made my heart beat a bit faster wondering if it was the weather they were talking about. There is rumbling now, my dog got up quietly and  strolled back to our room. It’s silent but the fan sounds like a high-speed clock about to blow at anytime! I also hear some water trickling into what seems to be a pile of more water; my bird is chirping and I just looked over at him. He is in his hammock….a hammock for our bird is green, fuzzy, and looks more like a tunnel but its called “hammock”. The rain has picked up and I am not in the best of spirits because I feel everyone including this post and myself is much like the  fan in my living room.



4 thoughts on “Daily Post Free writing (Gloomy Murph)

  1. This is really beautiful free writing, S. You should do it more often.

    In the meantime, I’m holding off on putting up pictures of the home (like you asked) until we’re past negotiations. I’m crossing my fingers that something major doesn’t happen and end the deal!

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