
Hello There

The other day I had to take my little boy to the doctor to find out he just had a  cold. With him having asthma though it is better to be safe then sorry. The highlight of the trip was when we first walked in to the office a little black headed girl ran up grabbed both of his hands they swung each other around just like they haven’t seen each other in years which I suppose is the case since this was their first meeting.

I got to talking a bit with the girl’s mother, and realized why the little gal was so friendly. I informed her that my son really knows no stranger and usually we don’t  get the same response, as in most often the children we run into are stand offish. She agreed and told me she ran into the same problems as well.We also were not picking on those types of personalities basically reassuring each other about our children. It was a nice little encounter while it lasted

Later on that day when arriving to work, I was informed that I had to run an appointment. So away we went. We check in and the lady behind the desk gives us a stack of papers to fill out, we sit down and get straight to it. Plus I had to match up all her medications making sure they were still the same it was a bit time-consuming. After I got done we turned them in. When walking back I realized over yonder someone I have known for a long time. She was talking to someone at the moment so I didn’t interrupt.

We got called back before she had ended her discussion so nothing was said. The appointment didn’t take long at all and when returning to the waiting room the gal was still there and seems that she looked directly at me she recognized me. I often run in to her since we live on the same side of town and always wondered if it wasn’t me who said anything first what would happen? Which is not like me but I wanted to test it out so when walking right by her she actually dug her head more into her phone, never saying a darn thing. Which my sources prepared me for, but you know my faith always rises to an occasion.

This was a bit of a stab to the olé cardio I know there are worse things in life but what’s the big harry deal? Even if you don’t care for someone you can at least nod acknowledge their existence wouldn’t you agree? Maybe she felt like she didn’t want to get into a conversation with me which has never really happens to begin with…

Maybe this is just my ramblings of my insecurities maybe when this happens to me I think of my childhood and years ago and how cruel people were to me, even my friends and some adults maybe I start thinking of how I am not worthy of a simple hello or maybe its just time to write all these feelings out for once in my life get them out and be forever grateful that those days are over. To be thankful time has put a bit of rougher skin on me but too rough. To realize that I wouldn’t be the person today without those sour times and wouldn’t be sitting here writing about a simple hello, and what a bit of a difference it could make in someone life.

Maybe it wasn’t right of me not to say hello as well but can you see my point as in why I didn’t?

I know that it’s a bit of a dream. I can’t help but wonder how this world would be if we greeted everyone with a smile grabbed them by the hand and let them know how nice it is to see them….

13 thoughts on “Hello There

  1. I agree with you… and I can relate to you . I guess it is some insecurities of the past… ‘you think …well if I say something ..and the person doesn’t respond nicely.. will I be hurt or embarrassed’, Fortunately now, if the person does that or turns away when I start toward them.. I can brush it off and not worry…. It is sad that more people don’t just be kind to one another… It doesn’t stop me from talking to people in waiting rooms, or in line at the store… or smiling at someone when our eyes meet … we can only be who we are and not worry I guess about the others……….Diane


    1. Hello Diane, Yes it best to be who you are. As time has gone by I found that it pays off to be yourself as well. This had been on my mind the last few days so I thought why not practice a bit of my free writing/typing and in doing so a bit of revelation was dropped to me as well. Thank you for reading and I always look forward to what you have to say. P.s can you see the title of my post? On my dashboard or home page it is not showing the title…


      1. I went to have a look… did you make me a co administrator or editor on your blog? I thought so, but when I checked it doesn’t look like it…?? I can’t remember Diane


      2. Well when I look at it I can’t see the title. I do have one written though that is the weird thing plus when I go to write a reply it wants my email address. I don’t know it seems I just have a lot of problems. I am not sure what you mean by co administrator or editor. I figure you may be being funny. Which I chuckled. I sure do hope I am not bugging you?


      3. No… I’m serious… but looking back I don’t think I am an admin…The only reason I’m asking is because if I want to have a look at what your dashboard looks like I need to be a co- administrator… I would not want to touch anything you do, but only to have a look at what you see . So if you want me to be able to… Go to ‘users’ and click on ‘Invite New’ You will be asked to put in the email address of the person you are asking eg.. writerwannabe232@hotmail.com Then it asks what role… In order for me to see what you see you need to make ‘administrator’….Then click on ‘send invitation… Now you need to be always able to trust the person you give this access to. And you can take me off at any time…. I do this for two other people… Please know that this is only if you want me to help … I don’t want you to do anything that you don’t feel comfortable doing and I won’t be hurt if you don’t want me to…. Diane


      4. I followed all instructions on wordpress and at the end they still wanted the numbers, API, or a receipt. I figure maybe someday when I make a purchase I can go from there. Thank you for all your help Diane.


      5. I told them you didn’t have any of those things and the woman at WordPress said she was going to see what they could do… so I’m going back to her for an answer… Hang in there … I never give up lol Diane


      6. Yes I did get the email, And your directions were very clear! I will let you know what they say.


      7. I just sent them everything they need, I wrote a note in the comment box when I pushed submit it said something about since my emails are the same I should try to reset my password? Will they still get my message?


      8. Just when you think everything is okay… they throw something else into the mix… I think they will … it didn’t tell you to resubmit when you did that …but I don’t know why they want you to try to reset your password… I don’t think I’d bother doing that… but maybe you want to… I’m not even sure what they mean by reset it… Do you think they mean to change it… anyway I don’t think I’d worry about it… but it’s up to you… Diane

